ATTMA Open Survey

Welcome to the open survey by ATTMA. Following on from a very interesting survey of ATTMA membership we wanted to gain a wider understanding of people working within and around temporary traffic management in New Zealand. Thank you for taking the time to visit and complete the quick survey that will help shape our understanding of what the people think and need to ensure everyone is heard across all sectors.

We look forward to sharing the results soon with everyone.

How long have you been in Temporary Traffic Management?
Confirm you highest Warrant that has been issued by Waka Kotahi to you.
When undertaking TTM do you think we have the necessary control over road users behaviour?
This is about sites you have worked on.
In no more than 200 words what do you think we can do better?
Selected Value: 0
1 Poor – Excellent
Selected Value: 0
1 Poor – 5 Excellent
Selected Value: 0
1 No influence – 5 Fully active influencer
Selected Value: 0
1 No influence – 5 Fully active influencer
Evidence can be certificates, audits, letters of recommendation etc
Enter email if you wish to be emailed results of survey
If you wish to leave any other comment or ask a question