TTM Conference 2022 Postponed

Message from the hosts.

We have taken a significant consideration on the importance of the conference and ensuring the delivery of a significant and important program to and for the industry. We have received a volume of questions and suggestions from registered delegates regarding the structure of the event. There is an overwhelming support and understanding the importance of the conference, though this has needed to be taken alongside the very real circumstances in which we are all subject to at this time. Alongside this, we have consulted with the venue, and local authority regarding the physical nature of the event and in context of what is an ever evolving series of guidance from the Ministry of Health and relevant governmental advice. It seems on the balance of all the available information that the total numbers of segregated people the event will be able to accommodate would still be in keeping with the previous event. This will however be with significant segregation efforts. It is a general view that it will see a reduced value in this situation for all attendees. We are perceiving also a combination of heightened awareness as another new normal is being transitioned too for all people, and at a time where the opportunity to be available for the end of construction season is also a factor. To this end, we have undertaken to look at a short postponement, with the setting of a firm date outside of construction season. With the very best analysis of the changing environment, we hope and trust that all will agree that the inconvenience of a second date change will ultimately best serve the needs of all involved. We are further benefitted of the relaxation of travel restrictions allowing for some alignment and involvement with the Australian TTM Conference, and interaction with some key speakers being able to seriously consider attendance. Further, while there is significant unsurety about the promised release of changed industry guidance, we are able to absorb the information and empower the conference to bring decision makers and industry parties together in follow up to anticipated change, with the additional benefit of knowing what decisions are being made for the TTM industry that we do not yet have visibility of.

The new dates are 26th-28th July. We look forward to seeing you there.

All the information can be found at

TTM Conference 2022 all go for March 30-31 March

We are really happy to have been given the opportunity to speak at the upcoming TTM Conference in Waikato. The programme as you can see below is starting to take shape that will really build on the Conference in 2020 to update everyone working in TTM and help start preparing us changes to how we can all work together for the safety of all on our sites.

We are current also working with the organisers of the conference to see if we can have an opportunity to have our first AGM while a number of members are already together.  

Click here to register to attend the conference and see more details for the event

TTM Conference 2021 Update

We are very conscious of the commercial and personal challenge these last few months have demanded of each and all of us, and as well to the industry we collectively operate in and around. This has not only caused for us to need to be agile and strong in order to continue our respective work and roles, but also to need to draw very deeply as people to support those around us and for whom we care about. This is equally true in our work lives as it is in our personal lives, and we extend our offer of thoughts and support in any format that it may be valuable to any who are reading this.

While those at the 2020 event may be aware through the conversations at the conference and since, one of the things we had intended to work towards was positioning the event in calendar at the “end of construction season” over time, rather than at the busy period November presents with the weather and seasons we enjoy in Aotearoa New Zealand. This transition was intended to be made in years three and four, to allow for the second conference this year in November to provide an opportunity to build on the extraordinary and overwhelming interest generated in 2020 to set an annual event for our industry.

We doubt there will be any disagreement that with the ongoing environments and times we are operating in that there is a need to consider wellbeing and fatigue in context of providing a hub for our industry to be connected physically and to be exposed to the work that organisations and suppliers to industry continue to undertake in providing better and more effective tools and practices to continue the growth and effectiveness of the wider TTM industry.

The event planned for November was programmed to be able to operate without undue disruption in Level 2 conditions. Albeit that significant additional organisational considerations were required, this could still have allowed for us to enjoy a more controlled and less free connection with our friends, colleagues and those who seek to support our industry. At Level 3, the prospect of a meaningful experience retreats to almost impossible circumstances to operate an event that encourages discourse and human contact. We had made elementary plans to be able to hybridise the event and introduce a virtual element , however in reflecting on the feedback from 2020, have decided that would preclude many of the important aspects of people being together to share experiences and support within an industry context.

While it may seem disappointing, the reality is that a decision to postpone the event is on the balance of odds the best decision for the event, the supporters of the event and those who are excited to attend the event.

To this end we have secured dates at the same venue, and with no loss of intended program inputs.

We are able to operate the event on the 29th – 31st of March 2022. We trust the benefit and opportunity to work toward continuing to build on the momentum of the 2020 event being delayed by a few months is by far a better outcome than having to dilute the importance of human connection and interaction.

It is our hope that the relief in postponing is provided to all of you collectively at a time where triaging and regenerating our business and roles at a time of considerable collective fatigue will be welcomed and appreciated. We have of course taken the decision carefully with as much advice and factual insight as is available at this uncertain time.

We look forward to moving forward, and welcome any contacts, questions and enquires. Program will be re-confirmed and distributed to all over the next fortnight, as we confirm the availabilities of those addressing the Conference in respect of the altered dates.

We look forward to your continued support for the event, and particularly for all those who are looking forward to attending and being able to share time with colleagues, friends and counterparts from across the nation.

TTM Conference 2021

Save the dates from the 16th to 19th November for this years conference. It will be hosted in the Waikato with a wide range of accommodation options and there will be a sponsored giveaway for 36 front line staff to experience the conference for free that will include their meals and accommodation.

If you wish to present at the conference or promote your business please visit the conference webpage

We look forward to help ATTMA members partake in this great event.