Using the following link to read the latest news from Australia.

Using the following link to read the latest news from Australia.
It was confirmed by the New Zealand Companies Office just before Christmas that we are now an Incorporated Association. So another step in the process of helping Temporary Traffic Management people across New Zealand have a common voice to help grow and develop together.
The next step will be to organise an AGM for those that have signed up as members and either confirm the interim committee or vote on the members you want to represent you to continue building the Association.
Have a safe and enjoyable New Year everyone
Thank you to the team for the design of our first logo. Two design options to use on our outputs.
TTM House, home for a select group attending the conference this year. This will be home to about thirty people that will be kindly sponsored to experience the TTM Conference 2021 and represent their regions, their companies and the frontline TTM community.
Nominations for the opportunity to join conference are now open. People being nominated for this experience should be those who have TTM “in their veins” and will likely be examples of the very best of our frontline teams.
The extraordinary package includes on-site shared accommodation, all meals and the chance to participate in some “special” events around the overall conference. You will just need to organise your transport to and from the Waikato Venue and to have the time to get involved !
One nomination (at least) from each of the State Highway maintenance regions across Aotearoa will be chosen to receive this very special opportunity.
The experience will include:
· Full conference attendance including Registration day demonstrations and first looks at trade show exhibitions
· Accommodation and catered meals
· Networking opportunities with other frontline operators, industry suppliers, and people from all sorts of roles and specialist positions in TTM and who are involved in building a better industry
· Special VIP dinner on Tuesday night to meet with TTM colleagues’ and industry leaders from around the country and of course the very proud sponsors
Who will be eligible for nomination?
· Those that work actively on the road as TTM frontline staff
· You will need to be able to organise your time away from work
· You will need to be able to organise your travel to and from Waikato
· You will be prepared to share the experience and learnings with others
Your most gracious sponsors and the hosts will look after the rest to ensure you have a great experience to share with friends and colleagues in your company and your region, and be a part of growing our industry.
Here is a short video to help promote ATTMA
New feature of ATTMA website is that you can ask your TTM Questions. We will then post the question and answers to help others that may have the same questions.
Just click the Ask A Question tab and you can complete the form.
It did not matter what the weather was the TTM staff always seemed to have a smile and a wave to everyone that went through the construction zone.
Keep up the great work on your new projects
A big thank you to the team for letting us try this great tool. For a little over 3 weeks I travelled completing inspections around New Zealand. Rather than driving all day with a static sign that means very little to the public as its on display all day I only deployed this sign when I was in fact stopping on the side of the road. It took all of a minute to deploy in the upright position and the same to fold back down.
Feedback from crews around the country particular those involved with mobile operation like mowing, spraying and line marking loved the concept of giving meaningful messages to the public that they could change as needed for the operation as they moved down the road.
I found that the public were very responsive to the sign and most defiantly were taking notice as the passed with a small decrease of speed.
I found the operation very simple with a wireless remote that you simply select the sign you required to display and what ever the message was when you closed the board it automatically displayed when it opened next. While the photos look a little pixelated from a distance this was not the case and clearly was designed with distance in minded.
There are so many applications there this could be used and so would love your feedback and thoughts on the board. Would you use it? and where?
Big thank you again to Akshay and the Team for letting us take the board for a test drive before it went to its lucky new owner in Gisborne.
This presentation was live on the 03/12/2020 and you can view here with the link
What a great time at the TTM Conference in Nelson. We showed the attendees that ATTMA has started and to sign up. Everyone is welcome to join the team and ask those questions to understand better what we do and how working together will create a safer road environment for everyone.